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Appraisal Poll
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Collection Essay Entry
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
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Sub Type One, Jump and Option
# Catalogue Type Quiestions Available Score Minimum Pass Mark
1 Common Poll 5 Min 0 Max 5
2 Common Essay 3 Min 0 Max 5
3 Common Question 2 Min 0 Max 5
4 Common Multiple Choice 15 Min 0 Max 5
5 Jump Type 1 Short 15 Min 0 Max 5
6 Jump Type 1 Essay 15 Min 0 Max 5
10 Option 1 Short 15 Min 0 Max 5
11 Option 1 Choice 15 Min 0 Max 5

Sub Type Two, Jump and Option
# Catalogue Type Quiestions Available Score Minimum Pass Mark
1 Common Poll 5 Min 0 Max 5
2 Common Essay 3 Min 0 Max 5
3 Common Question 2 Min 0 Max 5
4 Common Multiple Choice 15 Min 0 Max 5
7 Jump Type2 Essay 15 Min 0 Max 5
8 Jump Type 2 Short 15 Min 0 Max 5
10 Option 1 Short 15 Min 0 Max 5
11 Option 1 Choice 15 Min 0 Max 5

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