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Examination Short Question
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Appraisal Poll
Appraisal Survey
Collection File Uploading
Collection Essay Entry
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
External Activity Page
Appraisal Poll
Appraisal Survey
Collection File Uploading
Collection Essay Entry
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
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Template Name
Generated History
No. Generated Name Number of People Duration More...
1. My Generated Name 50 12/12/2020 to 20/12/2020 Check Answers
2. My Generated Name II 56 12/12/2020 to 20/12/2020 Check Answers

Invitation Name/Template Name

Start Invitation on 12/12/2020 (Origianl). Number of new people : 5 + since 12/12/2020 to Current Datate

ReGenerate From Start End To Now Generate Latest Duration Time Date Between (11/12/2020 to 12/12/2020)
# Invitation Name Start Date Due Date Number of People Check Project* Over All Score*
3 HR Interview Questions 12/12/2018 12/12/2018 50 Check Answers Ranking Score
2 Duration of Genearte/Type Total Number Download Response Score Check Answers
1 HR Interview Questions Blah blah something 12/12/2018 30 15 15 Invited and 10 Answer. Reports
10 SKU Name Latest Activity Date No of Invitation 15 15 Invited and 10 Answer. Reports