Appraisal Poll
Appraisal Survey
Collection File Uploading
Collection Essay Entry
Model Big Data Set
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
Appraisal Poll
Appraisal Survey
Collection File Uploading
Collection Essay Entry
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
External Activity Page
Appraisal Poll
Appraisal Survey
Collection File Uploading
Collection Essay Entry
Examination Short Question
Examination Multiple Choice
Model Big Data
Jump Condition
Preference Select Any Of
Create Project
Random Project Mixer
Join Combination
Draft Temporary
History Created List
Advertise Template
Publish List
Modify Premium
Sale Invoice
FAQs Question
Rating Feedback

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Affiliate Commission
SEO Optimization
Display Advertise
Model Machine Learning
Limitation Restriction
Request Information
History Published
Purchased Lists
Invitation Status
Collection Result
Training Progress
Generated Report
Notify Communication

Auto Sending Email, need to provide email list

Expire Date (must add)

Total 0 invitation, expire on 25, sept 2018

Send invitation
Manually Generate Code, in the case of if you don't want to provide email lists.
Please use either of those channel fb messenger : links, website : links, Skype : links messenger channel
Enter Exam Code : Xambotcode blah blah
Enter Personal Code : use following code for each person, please note that need to remember code with name etc
how many people want to Create
No. Code
1 X1234
2 Y1234
3 Z1132

Download by PDF or excel please note by youreself emails link with your ID so that you can match youreslf later.